Welcome to the official website of the Wells Park Neighborhood Association!

wells park
historic neighborhood
Wells Park is a historic neighborhood located just north of downtown Albuquerque. Its current boundaries were established in 1979 by the newly formed Wells Park Neighborhood Association, which are 12th St. on the west, Highway 40 on the North, Mountain on the South and First street on the East.

We are looking forward to the opening of the Wells Park Expansion in early 2025!
The Wells Park Neighborhood Association meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month (except July and December) at 6:00 pm. Due to construction at the Johnny Tapia Community Center, meetings will be held at Friends Meeting House (1600 5th St NW 87102) located at the corner of 5th and Bellamah until further notice.
The Annual Meeting is held on the last Tuesday of March (5:30pm-7:30pm), when we elect new board members. Pursuant to the updated City of Albuquerque Neighborhood Association Recognition Ordinance (NARO), WPNA can no longer require payment of dues to become a voting member of the association. However, as we use dues to help cover the costs of putting on our Annual Meeting and Board election, as well as to help fund other neighborhood events, we greatly appreciate and encourage any annual donations from our members. Our previous annual membership was $5 per member.
Registered neighborhood members also receive a FREE family membership to Explora.
The Character Protection Overlay for Wells Park preserves its unique, historic character.
The Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) specifies current zoning laws for all of ABQ.
​The recent ABQ zoning updates and laws can be found at the website ABC-Z.